I finally wrote the post about my training plan, which you can read here. The summary version is that I’m training for a 50K in mid-July. This is what was on the plan for the week:
- Monday: rest day/restorative yoga.
- Tuesday: 6 easy miles.
- Wednesday: 6x hill sprints with 4+ miles total, lower body strength.
- Thursday: cycle class.
- Friday: 5.5 trail miles (~1,000 feet elevation gain), upper body strength.
- Saturday: rest day.
- Sunday: long run, ~11 miles with 1,000+ feet elevation gain.
And what actually happened:
Rest day: 40-minute restorative yoga video.
6 easy….ish miles. I think I was still recovering from last week’s long run, since my pace was a lot slower than my usual easy pace and my legs didn’t start to feel loosened up until about 4 miles in.
4.5 miles with 6x hill sprints, and lower body strength. I realized once I started this training plan that the trail up the hill I usually use for hill sprints is actually less steep than the 20%+ grade recommended by my plan, but I found a significantly steeper off-trail spot that seems to have the desired effect of my legs being the limiting factor in a 10-second sprint.
I was exhausted today, so replaced the cycle class with a rest day.
Upper body strength workout. I planned to go for a trail run after an optometrist appointment in the afternoon, but I had forgotten I was getting my eyes dilated. The dilation made the sun way too bright to be outside for that long, so I pushed the run to the weekend.
I decided I’d rather do the long run first of my two weekend runs, so switched it to Saturday. I found some low-traffic dirt roads with decent hills for 11 miles and just under 1,000 feet elevation gain. Also ended up with some sunburn due to forgetting sunscreen and wearing shorts.
5 neighborhood miles, 1.5 of them with Kara. I had planned to move Friday’s trail run to today, but Saturday I woke up with the back of my right ankle feeling a bit stiff and sore. It felt fine on Saturday’s run once I got warmed up, but as it’s mostly bothering me on the stairs, a steeper trail run didn’t sound like a good idea. Fortunately, this week is a recovery week, so I’ll take the next couple days off and hope it goes away.
Weekly totals
26.6 miles, 1,500 feet elevation gain, 2 strength workouts, 1 yoga session.
You got in some nice mileage this week! Love the sunny and snowy photos. Have a great week and thanks for linking up w us today
Great mileage!
So funny thing: my legs never burn. I will get too much sun pretty much everywhere else, but my legs always stay untouched. So weird.
I’m glad you were able to listen to your body when you were tired and had the flexibility in your training to take some rest days.
Jenn recently posted…week 8 (20): 12 weeks post op
Wow…hill sprints in the snow? I can’t say I’ve ever done those…are they as tough as they sound? I hope that ankle feels better….great week for you!
Hannah, you definitely win for most beautiful training scenery and I love seeing these pictures each week. I hope your ankle is back to 100% soon.
Beckett @ Birchwood Pie recently posted…Weekly Sweats: Adding fuel to the fire
You are rocking your training! Congrats on another great week of workouts.
Sounds like you did a great job this week! Just got done with 8 hill repeats myself. A little hill though. 🙂 Later in my training I’ll tackle a longer hill in prep for my downhill half.
Ugh, all that snow. Ours is finally almost gone . . . looks like it might stay gone for a little while. Which makes me happy — I’m ready for sun (even if it’s still feb).
Good work and great building in that flexibility, which I think is key when you’re training hard for a Big Thing. Love your snow pics!
ooh you did pretty well with planned vs. actual this week! hopefully the recovery week helps your ankle out a bit.
So excited for your race! I’ve done two 50ks and one day would like to do another one. Great job this week! Excited to follow along in your training.
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[…] plan and I did even less mileage than was on the plan due to the ankle soreness that showed up last week. The good news is the ankle seems to be fine now; I moved strength training (which I think caused […]
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