My blog posting hasn’t been consistent, obviously, but at least the running mileage has been. So I’m popping in to recap everything right before I take another break for a week or two. 11/11 – 11/17: 13.1 miles Two trail runs this week, which is more than I usually manage this time of year. Though […]
2 months in pictures
Working backwards over the past two months: I had a sinus infection that would not quit for almost a month, so I’ve only gotten back to being a functional human in the past week. I also have four scientific papers underway currently, so my brain power for other writing is low. (Yes, four papers is […]
Back on the trails: weekly rundown
Since I took some time off after the Ridge Run, there wasn’t a lot to recap for a couple weeks. First week post-race: did yoga once or twice. Second week: more yoga, some short strength workouts. I got back to running last Sunday with just shy of 14 trail miles. Obviously this is not the […]
Bridger Ridge Run recap
The Ridge Run is kinda legendary among trail runners – at least, legendary among the subset of runners to whom 20ish miles along steep, rocky ridgeline sounds like it might be a good time. Officially, it’s 19.65 or 20.55 miles with 6,800 feet of elevation gain and 9,500 feet loss. None of the stats from […]
Ridge Run week: weekly rundown
Very short rundown today, since it was race week! The forthcoming race recap will likely be very long though. Tuesday 1.9 miles, 810 feet elevation gain. One last trip up the ‘M’ just to remind my legs how climbing works. I kept a moderate pace, but still managed my 2nd fastest time up the steep […]
I’m really good at tapering: weekly rundown
No, really. I’m not at all the kind of person who gets antsy during taper. I am done training for this race, let me sleep. Especially after last weekend’s runs, which combined were almost the distance of the Ridge Run – I was extra tired most of the week, and so ended up doing even […]
Thwarted plans: (bi)weekly rundown
Every time I set out for a long run over the past 2 weeks, it did not go as intended. That makes 4 times…and only 1 long run. Also, the two definitions of biweekly make it a mostly-useless word, except for obfuscatory purposes. Example: I’m currently strength training biweekly. Which definition do I mean? *shrug […]
Adventures and misadventures: weekly rundown
It was a fairly eventful two weeks, but this will be a fairly brief rundown. I’m going with more photos than words today. 6/24-6/30 Got a relatively large blister on a relatively short trail run. No idea how/why that happened. Finally made it to the top of Baldy… …but probably got some mild heat exhaustion […]
Following the plan: weekly rundown
I finally finalized and posted my Ridge Run training plan…eh, “plan” last week. So far (y’know, a whole week) I’ve followed it pretty exactly. Go me. Tuesday 3.3 miles with a wee bit of speedwork (1-2-3-2-1 min ladder w/ equal rest). I’m not focusing on speed for obvious reasons, but speedwork is good for hills […]
Bridger Ridge Run training
I had a reasonable 12-week plan mapped out for this race, but then stuff happened, so now I’m scrambling to fit the most important bits of training into the next 8 weeks. The most important bits, for me, are 1) it’s steep and technical; 2) it will probably take me around 8 hours to finish, […]