I know, three-weekly is nonsense grammar, but you know what I mean.
I also know it’s been winter for a while in most places, but ours has been unseasonably warm and dry. It’s still warm, relatively speaking, but it’s at least finally snowing.
1/20 – 1/26
Tuesday: 5 miles. Warm enough that trails were very muddy and gross in places.
Wednesday: 4 miles. There was a tiny dusting of snow overnight, and I got out early enough that it hadn’t melted.
Saturday: 3.75 miles. I took Kara up into the mountains to find some snow.
Sunday: 8 miles. Went to find snowy trails again, except this time I did too well and found deep, unpacked snow before I wanted to turn around. So I went back up the highway a bit to a closed Forest Service road for the last ~2.5 miles.
Weekly totals: 20.75 miles, 2 strength workouts, 1 cycle class.
1/27 – 2/2
Tuesday: 3.6 miles.
Thursday: 6 miles.
Friday: 3.5 miles, ~1.5 with Kara.
Sunday: 7.75 miles. It had snowed several inches, enough that I didn’t attempt a trail run because I knew nothing would be packed down enough yet. There was still some shuffling through snow around the neighborhoods though.
Weekly totals: 20.85 miles, 2 strength workouts.
2/3 – 2/9
Wednesday: 3 miles.
Saturday: 2 miles with Kara. The snow and wind picked up shortly after we left the house; Kara was happier about it than I was, since she was dressed for it.
Sunday: 4 trail miles. I planned on 5, but had forgotten how steep this trail is.
Weekly totals: 9 miles, 1 strength workout, 1 cycle class. An intentional cutback week because I’m starting a training plan this week – maybe I’ll get myself together enough to post about it later this week.
We have also had an unseasonably warm winter w a lot of rain but no snow yet. I am always jealous of your snowy photos. Would love to hear about your training plan. Thanks for linking up today
Like Deborah, your training plan has me intrigued! You definitely have snow! We’ve had some snow, but nothing crazy. Thankfully, the temps haven’t been as crazy cold as last year, and I’ve been able to get outside for most of my runs. Love all your scenic pics!!
Hopefully I’ll actually write a post about it this week!
Maybe I’d embrace more outside running if I had views like that! Then again, the elevation would kill me. Still, it’s so pretty.
Our biggest storm was in December. Right now it’s the annoying a little bit here, a little bit there. I’m hoping that groundhog is right!
You get used to the elevation… Eventually
Crazy that you just started getting snow! I’m glad you’re getting out there and enjoying it. LOL to your comment about Kara being dressed for the weather, I always ask my pup Cocoa if I can borrow her fur coat.
Interested in hearing your plans!
We have had some, but I think the last big storm was in October!
Those views! Well done on a solid 3 weeks of training!
Thank you!
Your views are stunning! I don’t think I would hate snow if I could get outdoors and see all that beauty 🙂
City snow is pretty gross, even I have to admit.
Beautiful snow and scenery!! Good job on your workouts!
Lisa @ TechChick Adventures recently posted…GCM training recap, week 5
nice mileage and love seeing all the snow!!! I wish we had a little bit of winter here!
Thank you!
Trekking through that deep snow had to be a workout. What beautiful trails!
Jenn recently posted…week 6 (20): road trips while injured
That’s where I turned around – I didn’t go far after the trail got deep!
I think you probably had the best week in fitness of all of us with those views and the snow. Nice job!
Beckett @ Birchwood Pie recently posted…Weekly Eats: Child Labor and the Instant Pot
The snow always looks pretty but I still don’t like it here. 🙂 Running in the snow is always so much harder. Good job!
Zenaida Arroyo recently posted…Tuesday Topics: My first race
It looks less pretty in town, I will say! Trails get packed down quickly around here, so it’s not too much more difficult to run in.
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