Still here: weekly rundown

My writing brain has been working overtime the past few weeks, since that’s the vast majority of the work I’m able to do from home. So I’m still here, everything’s ok, I just don’t always have the brainpower to write a blog post.

A summary of the past three weeks:

March 23-29: 16.7 miles

A sorta crappy recovery week. My legs needed the recovery, but at the same time I wanted to run more for stress reduction purposes. I at least got out to an empty trail one day, though I forgot that the trail being empty also meant the snow wouldn’t be packed down. Makes for a good calf workout, but a slow run.

And on another day this week, Kara and I got caught in a bit of graupel.

March 30 – April 5: 31.8 miles

Another rough week – my goal was 35 – 37 miles, but allergy symptoms hit me hard this week. I actually ended up with 6 runs this week because I went out for a long run Saturday and only made it 3 miles before I called it quits, but I was able to manage 9 on Sunday.

Earlier in the week – no allergies here!
There they are.

April 6 – 12: 36.7 miles

Finally a good week, where I got in the mileage I’d hoped for last week. It also helped that I was able to get out of our neighborhood for two runs this week – my calf muscles have been really stiff from all the road running I’ve done recently.

First “off road” run – I was the only car in the parking lot for this trail, which was maybe because the snow got significantly less packed down under a mile up the trail. I ended up with 1.6 miles on the trail and 2.4 on the dirt road to the trailhead.

This weekend we got another snowstorm, which brings empty running paths – not because anyone here avoids the cold/snow, but because most people are skiing instead!

Saturday’s run

Sunday I got out of the neighborhood again – not the only car in the parking lot this time, but only two others. Though this was offset a bit by the two people who refused to get out of the middle of the road when we passed each other.

Next week is another recovery week, and the week after is supposed to start the “intensity” phase of my training plan – but I’m thinking I might add in another cycle of base phase. We’ll see.

Linking up for the Weekly Run Down with Kim and Deborah

16 Comment

  1. You are staying active, that’s always a good thing! My calf muscles would be hating life with all those snow-covered trail tuns…

    1. Hannah says: Reply

      My calf muscles are used to the snow and hills, so the pavement is rough on them!

  2. Hey Hannah, great to see a new post from you! I’m laughing at your encounter with the folks who insisted on walking two fold on the trail, they must be visiting from my home town. I feel like 99.99% of people get the social distancing thing and the ones who don’t are pretty memorable.
    Beckett @ Birchwood Pie recently posted…Weekly Eats: Mandatory Dinners and CheesecakeMy Profile

    1. Hannah says: Reply

      Unfortunately people don’t seem that good at it here – I just assume I will have to do 100% of the moving.

  3. Wow! So much snow!! Good to see you are still active.
    Zenaida Arroyo recently posted…Tuesday Topics: Running a World Marathon MajorsMy Profile

    1. Hannah says: Reply


  4. I was wondering where you were! Glad to read you are doing ok. My muscles are sore in different places from running on different terrain as well. Another thing we need to adapt to! Have a good week ahead

    1. Hannah says: Reply

      You too!

  5. Kim G says: Reply

    Wow, that’s so much snow!
    I keep telling myself that some activity is better than no activity, even if I’m not able to do as much as I would like. Even just 30 minute of activity really helps me clear my mind.

    1. Hannah says: Reply

      Very true!

  6. Good work! I am not writing my running part of my blog at the moment as although I’m running it’s too sad to just have empty photos and no canals etc. We’re not permitted to drive to exercise here which is stressing out a few people.

    1. Hannah says: Reply

      I can imagine – I am limiting the driving I do to run, but we are still allowed.

  7. Now seems like a really good time for more base. 🙁

    The people who don’t know what side of the road to be on are driving me frickin’ nuts! And there are many. What WERE they doing before this?

    1. Hannah says: Reply

      Right? I thought that was common knowledge.

  8. Beautiful views on your runs this week! That looks like a ski resort on the mountain picture. Is it? Which one?
    Lisa @ TechChick Adventures recently posted…Weekly workouts – Spring Break & EasterMy Profile

    1. Hannah says: Reply

      I’m not sure whether you can see any of the ski resort in the picture, but it is near Bridger Bowl.

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