‘Tis the season…(not THAT season)

Lest anyone be misled by the title: I am emphatically not one of those people who gets excited about Christmas the second the calendar says it’s fall. One month at a time, please. But since fall has officially made its appearance, we can get excited about that now. Fall means that ’tis the season….

For catching whatever bug is going around, or maybe it’s allergies?

I started feeling a weird tickle/air bubble (told you it was weird) in my throat last Sunday. Monday I thought my allergies were acting up…by Tuesday it had morphed into full-fledged cough/congestion/sinus headache. Since I had a 30K to run this weekend, clearly this was not the right time for this nonsense.

Tuesday/Thursday are the days I teach, so I took an allergy medicine that includes pain reliever and decongestant, plus sucked on cough drops pretty much non-stop to avoid spreading my germs around. Wednesday I stayed home and did very little apart from willing myself to get better. Friday I was feeling about 80% better, so I went for a short run to test things out. I was fine, although still a bit stuffy. Whew.

For apple picking & canning

While we were in Missoula for the concert last weekend, I scoped out a u-pick apple orchard. We picked enough to make ~8 pints of applesauce, plus a few pounds more for other purposes. While store bought applesauce is cheap, it’s one of those things where I think there’s no comparison to the homemade version. I actually canned the applesauce while I sick last week – it’s a low-energy, mostly hands-off task if you use an Instant Pot. However, you absolutely should not use the quick pressure release if you do this. Don’t ask. It was a mess.

For fall races

I was still not 100% better Sunday, but well enough to run my 30K and actually finish faster than I expected. (Allergy meds and cough drops to the rescue again.) I’ll get a full recap written soon. Here’s a sneak peak of the course: an area where stream and trail converge. The stream crossing was probably ~30-40 feet wide.

My next fall race will probably be a trail 14K in 3 weeks. I have an 8K penciled in the weekend before that, but I’m leaning towards skipping it because 1) it’s an afternoon race 2) registration is kinda expensive 3) I’d rather run a different 8K I ran last fall, assuming it’s held this year. That one will probably be a last minute decision.


Have you ever made applesauce?

Do you like afternoon/evening races?

Linking up with Meghan for week in review and Holly and Wendy for Weekly Wrap

20 Comment

  1. Kim G says: Reply

    I dealt with some seasonal allergies last week. At first I thought it was a cold though.

    so cool that you were able to bring back SO many apples. I’m hoping to go apple picking soon since the weather is finally nice now.

    1. Hannah says: Reply

      I have gotten the same symptoms every fall for a few years, so I kinda lean towards allergies? But they are way nastier than my spring allergies if so.

  2. My allergies were really bad a few weeks ago but getting better. Nice job on that 30K! Hope you are feeling better this week

    1. Hannah says: Reply

      Thank you!

  3. Wendy says: Reply

    I hope you’re feeling better. This is definitely the allergy season!!

    My hubs makes the applesauce. When he cans it, he just boils it old school on the stove. I offered to buy him an Instant Pot, but he was not interested…

    1. Hannah says: Reply

      For applesauce the IP is not that much easier than the stove…just no stirring. I use it for so many other things though.

  4. I have never made apple sauce…but it sounds easy enough. I do not have an Insta Pot (I’m like one of the few remaining peeps who has not succumbed to the madness LOL), though. I’m excited to hear about the 30K!

    1. Hannah says: Reply

      Applesauce is easy to make on the stove too!

  5. Congratulations on the 30K. That’s hella impressive especially with your allergies kicking in. Also, what a time to make a mess in the kitchen, when you have no desire and energy to clean it up. Ugh.

    Happy apple picking though. Fall is my Hubby’s favorite season and I totally get why.

    1. Hannah says: Reply

      Thank you!

  6. Glad you were feeling better quickly!

    I once made pasta in my Instant Pot — following a recipe — OMG that was definitely a disaster for the kitchen, although it came out just fine.

    I almost never make applesauce. I prefer just eating apples plain! Or with some almond butter & melted chocolate. 🙂 Applesauce was my mom’s specialty.

    There aren’t a lot of afternoon/evening races here. I definitely wouldn’t enjoy that in summer. But as it gets cooler, I usually get out later in the day anyway.

    1. Hannah says: Reply

      I run in the afternoon fairly often – but I don’t like racing then because I have to plan my whole day around it!

  7. I’ve never made applesauce (we don’t grow many apples in the south?). But, I grew up in the country with a huge garden and other fruit trees. We made pear relish. Pears were ground in an old hand-cranked grinder with bell peppers, sugar and spices. It was the best stuff ever! I wish I had the recipe as I’ve found nothing like it. I hope you are feeling better. Fall allergies can be rough. Thanks for linking!

    1. Hannah says: Reply

      I’ve never heard of pear relish – it sounds amazing!

  8. Congratulations on getting the 30k done even if you weren’t feeling 100%.
    I haven’t done an afternoon/evening race but I suspect I wouldn’t mind too much as that’s usually the time I do my training runs. Having said that though my best runs are in the morning!

    1. Hannah says: Reply

      I do training runs in the afternoon too, but I’d much rather race in the morning.

  9. Cora says: Reply

    Holy smokes. 30 K is a mind blowing, far off idea to me any time, but when you are recovering from a bug?! You are a force. Congrats on your time!! Maybe you need to take drugs before each race…. 😉

    That trail looks awesome, by the way. And I’m glad you got that Wednesday to just chill and (mostly) heal yourself.

    I’ve made homemade applesauce a few times and oh my god it is SO GOOD. I’ve been wanting to get to a farmers market to pick up a good batch of apples – for that very purpose actually – as its been a while since I’ve made it. Thank you for this reminder. Chunky homemade applesauce ontop of hot oatmeal is what heaven is made of.
    Cora recently posted…Recent Food! New Snack Plan, More Chocolate, Plus Very Specific CravingsMy Profile

    1. Hannah says: Reply

      You joke, but the allergy meds probably would help….my sinuses just do not react well to the outdoors most of the time!

      Yes, homemade applesauce is the best! Go get you some apples before the season is over.

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